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About JOIM

The recent development of corporate globalization has brought to the fore the importance of intercultural management. Cultural backgrounds have been a huge game changer in the communication between people of different cultures both on a national and organizational level. Together with verbal communication, the underlying values and norms have always been an important element in international management practices. Often these issues are not fully appreciated and therefore there is a need for corporate leaders and managers to be informed about and to remain up-to-date with differences in language, behaviour, attitude and cultrure in order to fully utilize the advantages brought about by diversity. It is this intercultural intelligence which leads to tolerance and empathy between people of which is necessary for a harmonious working environment between employers and colleagues with varying beliefs and values.

The Journal of Intercultural Management analyzes intercultural management issues brought about by different cultural components. Other areas this journal include: international business strategy, risk management, human resource management and organizational behaviour.

You can also find more details on the submission of articles in the Information for Authors section.

A strict and thorough expert/peer review process precedes the publication of any article in this journal, with the review process taking anywhere from four to eight weeks. Editors subsequently inform the author(s) of their article review process and the manuscript may either be accepted for publication or rejected, depending on the outcome of the evaluation. Author(s) of an accepted paper is/are invited to submit their final manuscript which is then published in the Journal after all changes and requirements have been fulfilled. They are also invited to give a paper presentation of their work at conferences on 'Intercultural Management’.

Journal of Intercultural Management

Open Access Journal
Authors retain the copyrights under the CreativeCommons CC-BY-SA license

ISSN 2080-0150
eISSN 2543-831X
DOI 10.2478/JOIM
4 issues per year


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All the articles published in the journal are subject to double blind peer review.

Editorial Board

Prof. dr hab. Barbara Kożuch – Deputy Editor-in-chief

University of Social Sciences, Poland

Dr hab. Sylwia Przytuła – Associate Editor

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

Dr Przemysław Garsztka – Statistical Editor

Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland

Prof. Ilan Alon

The College of Management Academic Studies, Israel

Prof. Krzysztof Wach

Krakow University of Economics, Poland

Nataliya Chukchray PhD

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine

Bruno S. Sergi PhD

Harvard University, USA & University of Messina, Italy

Tomas Kačerauskas PhD

Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania

Agota Giedrė Raišienė PhD

Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Prof. Łucja Tomaszewicz

University of Lodz, Poland

Prof. Milena Rodica Zacharia

Academy of Economics Studies from Bucharest, Romania

Enrico Supino, Associate Prof.

University of Bologna, Italy

Prof. Steffen Roth

La Rochelle Business School, France, and University of Turku, Finland

Prof. Luca Gnan

Universita Tor Vergata Rome, Italy

Prof. Tammy Gregersen

American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates

Prof. Robin Anderson

Università Degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Prof. Darko Štrajn

Educational Research Institute, Slovenia

Prof. Hasan Bedir

Cukurova University, Turkey

Prof. Robert Bianchi

Virginia Commonwealth University, Qatar

Prof. Elwira Gross-Gołacka

University of Warsaw, Poland

Prof. Valerio Brescia

University of Turin

dr Dominika Hadro, prof. EU in Wroclaw

Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland

Prof. Nikolina Dečman

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Scientific Council

Dr hab. Zofia Patora-Wysocka

University of Social Sciences, Poland

Prof. Ivana Mamić Sačer

University of Zagreb, Croatia

Prof. Silvana Secinaro

University of Turin, Italy

Prof. Joanna Krywalski Santiago

Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Portugal

Prof. Leonor Ferreira

Universidade Lusiada, Portugal

Dr Iga Maria Lehman, prof. SAN

University of Social Sciences, Poland

Prof. Serhiy Kozmenko

University of Customs and Finance, Ukraine

Prof. Armenia Androniceanu

Academy of Economic Studies Bucharest, Romania

Prof. Veselin Drašković

University of Montenegro, Montenegro

Prof. Wojciech Czakon

Jagiellonian University, Poland

dr Tyge Payne, Assistant Prof.

Texas Tech University, USA

Prof. Hugh Willmott

Cass Business School, Great Britain

Prof. Tulus Tambunan

Trisakti University, Indonesia

Prof. David Smallbone

Kingstone University, Great Britain

Torsten Pieper, Associate Prof.

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Prof. Marek Kwiek

Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań, Poland

Prof. Monika Kostera

Jagiellonian University, Poland

Dr Przemysław Garsztka

Poznań University of Econimics and Business, Poland

Dr hab. Jerzy Kociatkiewicz

Sheffield University, United Kingdom

Dr Michał Szostak

Collegium Civitas, Poland

Prof. Dariusz Jemielniak

Kozminski University, Poland

Prof. Geoff Goldman

University of Johanessburg, South Africa

Prof. Ewa Bogalska-Martin

Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Dr Joanna Małecka

Poznan University of Technology, Poland

Information for Authors

We invite you to forward your research papers for publication in our Journal of Intercultural Management (JoIM). The Authors are invited to submit their original research papers for JoIM through Editorial System:

This journal provides immediate open access to its content under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.
Authors who publish with this journal retain all copyrights and agree to the terms of the above-mentioned CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.

Invitation to publish


DOFINANSOWANO ZE ŚRODKÓW BUDŻETU PAŃSTWA Program „Rozwój czasopism naukowych”